World Environment Situation Room
Data, Information and Knowledge on the Environment
Pollution is pervasive and poses a direct threat to human health and the environment. Various forms of pollution are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we live on. The UN Environment Programme is working with governments, business and civil society to Beat Pollution. To this end, the Implementation Plan Towards a Pollution Free Planet, which was welcomed at the fourth United Nations Environment Assembly, identified five key action areas for addressing the gaps and challenges associated with pollution: Knowledge, Implementation, Infrastructure, Awareness, and Leadership.
In order to Beat Pollution, governments, businesses, and civil society must have access to the most up to date geo-spatial information and other information for evidence-based policy and action. Equipped with this knowledge, we can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. This website helps to address knowledge and implementation capacity gaps by aggregating such tools and assessments, and empowers policy makers, partners, and stakeholders to address pollution in a responsible and environmentally sound manner.
Post time: Jul-07-2023