Working principle of industrial dust filter bag

The working principle of industrial dust – removal filter bags mainly involves screening, inertial impaction, diffusion, interception, and electrostatic adsorption, as follows:


Screening Effect

The fibers of the filter bag form many tiny pores. When the dust – laden gas passes through, dust particles larger than the pore size are blocked on the surface of the filter bag. Just like using a sieve to sift things, this is the most basic dust – removal method of the filter bag and can remove larger – sized dust particles.


Inertial Impaction


When the dust – laden gas flow encounters the filter bag during its movement, the direction of the gas flow changes. However, due to inertia, the dust particles will continue to maintain their original movement direction and thus collide with the fibers of the filter bag and be intercepted. The larger and heavier the dust particles are, the greater their inertia is, and the easier it is for them to be captured in this way. This is often used to capture medium – sized dust particles.




Diffusion Effect

For extremely small dust particles, they will perform random Brownian motion under the thermal motion of gas molecules. During this process, the dust particles will come into contact with and be adsorbed by the fibers of the filter bag. This effect is particularly important when dealing with dust particles below the micron level.

Interception Effect

When the dust particles approach the fibers of the filter bag along with the gas flow, if the distance between the center of the particle and the surface of the fiber is less than the radius of the particle, the dust particles will be intercepted and captured by the fibers. This is one of the important mechanisms for the filter bag to capture dust.

Electrostatic Adsorption

During the industrial production process, dust particles and the surface of the filter bag may be charged due to friction and other reasons. There will be an electrostatic attraction between the charged dust particles and the filter bag with the opposite charge, causing the dust particles to be adsorbed on the filter bag, which improves the dust – capturing efficiency of the filter bag.

Post time: Feb-24-2025